Went to this throwback diner in New Orleans.
. Day .
I stopped in the Please-U Diner on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans. It Please-d-Me. You can see from the picture what a throwback it is. I hope they never renovate it. Maybe get some new gyro posters but that's it. It looks newer than Leni's.
I was really unhappy at work at this time and would walk as far as I could on my lunch hour. This was a place I liked to go. Though that part of St. Charles Avenue, down to Lee Circle, seems bleak and lonely to me. Avenue Pub is about the only spot that doesn't (usually) bring me down a little.
Previous: November 10, 2019: Found this offering on the levee.
Next: November 28, 2019: I went to Chattanooga for Thanksgiving.