We went to the Michael Aaron/Billy Ding Memorial in Bywater.
. Day .
Every year in the middle of February, a bunch of people who knew Michael Aaron and Billy Ding (who both died about ten years a go now) do a big show at both BJ's and Vaughan's. It's nice to remember those guys (Michael for me; I didn't know Billy, sorry) and it's a fun show. This year was no exception.
One of the highlights is the "second line" from BJ's to Vaughan's , a distance of approximately one block.
These photos are by John Thiry, and they're way better than the ones I took. Used by permission.
New Orleans Bywater Egg Yolk Jubilee Silver Synthetic Malevitus Happy Talk Band Luke Allen Marcus Bronson John Thiry Vaughan's Billy Ding Michael Aaron
Previous: February 10, 2022: Another bonfire at Gina's, with our little friends.
Next: February 19, 2022: I got some dwarf bottlebrush shrubs for Gina.