I visited the Cooper-Hewitt Museum.
. Day .
I usually like visiting the Cooper-Hewitt Museum because it’s such a nice place to look at things, but even on the best days I sorta hate 50% of what they have there.
Today we saw the “Why Design Now?” triennial, which is mostly industrial design or a self-congratulatory bent.
A couple of improved third-world stoves. Some imaginary green buildings. There was a nice chair made of compressed flax. It looked nice; I would have liked it made out of anything.
There was also a trade show feel to it all. If I had to describe it in a sentence, I’d say it was like a field trip to a Muji.
(One thing about Cooper-Hewitt: family was late so I read the whole excellent (though sideways) James Victore book in the book shop.)
Previous: August 1, 2010: I saw ? and the Mysterians at Great Jones Cafe.
Next: December 31, 2010: I dreamed I met G.H.W. Bush at a garden store.